
Poster presentations 2 (Sep 17th)


TL and OSL solutions for a bi-localized transitions (BLT) system

Arkadiusz Mandowski (Institute of Physics. Jan Dlugosz University, Poland)

Equations for a bi-localized system with quasi-equilibrium conditions are considered. The system is solved analytically for TL (thermoluminescence) and OSL (optically stimulated luminescence). TL curve has a double peak structure.


On the Mechanisms of Plasmon-Enhanced Optically Stimulated Luminescence

Eder Jose Guidelli* (University of Sao Paulo , Brazil)

Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) intensity is enhanced upon interaction with Localized Surface Plasmons (LSP) but the exact mechanism is still not clear. Our results suggest that trapped electrons optically unreachable can be converted into useful luminescence information via plasmonic coupling. As a consequence, higher dosimetric sensitivity and smaller bleaching times are obtained.


Anomaly Detection of TLD Glow Curves Using three different machine learning classifiers

Gal Amit (SNRC , Israel)

A novel method for the detection of glow curves (GCs) anomaly is presented. The method uses machine learning algorithms in order to detect abnormal GCs shapes and categorize them. A high detection performance rate for either ‘anomalous’ or ‘regular’ GC shape class of up to 96% is achieved, depending on the algorithm type.


Kinetic Simulations of Complex Phenomena following optical absorption, optical excitation and thermal excitation of LiF:Mg,Ti (TLD-100)

Ilan Eliyahu (Soreq Nuclear Research Center, Israel)


Compensation Effect in Thermally Stimulated Luminescence Kinetics of Irradiated Widegap Materials

Ilya Weinstein (NANOTECH Centre, Ural Federal University , Russian Federation)

Experimental and theoretical regularities of the compensation effect observed are studied on the example of the analysis of thermally stimulated kinetics in the luminescence mechanisms of irradiated dosimetric materials.


Analysis of luminescence properties of electronics components in smart phones based on the trap interaction model

Ki Soo Chung (Gyeongsang National University , Republic of Korea)

Several kinds of luminescence from electric components of mobile devices induced by irradiation (RL), thermal stimulation (TL), optical stimulation (OSL) and their combinations (PTTL, TA-OSL etc.) were studied in both aspects of experimental and theoretical.


Luminescence properties of LiGaO2 crystal and its potential application in dosimetry

Laima Trinkler (Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, Latvia)

Photoluminescence and thermostimulated luminescence of LiGaO2 crystal was studied in 10-500 K temperature region after UV irradiation. Luminescence mechanisms were elucidated. TL peak at 350 K and the corresponding emission spectrum in visible region makes LiGaO2 potentially applicable as material for TL dosimetry.


Comparison of the Optical Absorption and Thermoluminescence in LiF:Mg,TI (TLD-100) following irradiation by high energy protons and 90Sr/90Y beta rays

Leonid Oster (Sami Shamoon College of Engineering, Israel)


Optical and thermoluminescence properties of thulium doped KMgF3 polycrystal

Lituania Pérez Cruz (Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico)

Ionizing radiation induced color centers in KMgF3:Tm fluoroperovskite. UV and blue emission from thulium doped-polycrystal was observed. KMgF3:Tm [1 mol %] displays several thermoluminescent (TL) peaks in an aceptable temperature range suitable for ionizing radiation dosimetry.


F- and F+-band radioluminescence and the influence of annealing on its emission spectra in Al2O3:C,Mg

Makaiko Chithambo (Rhodes University , South Africa)

The F and F+ bands associated with radioluminescence in Al2O3:C,Mg are affected by thermal quenching but the behaviour for the F+ band depends on prior annealing.


Excitation density effects on the scintillation properties of CdWO4

Masanori Koshimizu (Tohoku University , Japan)

We recorded the scintillation temporal profiles of CdWO4 under different linear energy transfers (LETs). The LET dependence was analyzed from the viewpoint of quenching due to excited state interaction.


Luminescence of non-bridging hole centers as a marker of particle irradiation of α-quartz

Linards Skuja (CEA , France)

Oxygen dangling bonds (“non-bridging oxygen hole centers”, NBOHCs), are peculiar to amorphous state of SiO2 and cannot be induced in α-quartz by purely ionizing irradiation. Their presence in quartz normally is an indication of particle-induced damage. Here were detected NBOHCs for the first time in high-dose electron-irradiated α-quartz crystal. Their presence may signal the formation of nucleation centers in crystal structure as the first step to radiation-induced amorphization just below the amorphization threshold.


The peculiarities of F center photoluminescence kinetics in anion-deficient corundum in the 200-700 K temperature range

Rinat M. Abashev (Institute of Metal Physics UB RAS / Department of Experimental Physics, Ural Federal University , Russian Federation)

Specific changes have been discovered in the photoluminescence kinetics of F centers in anion-deficient corundum crystals over the temperature range of 200-700 K. In the intervals 290£Tmeas£370 K and 420£Tmeas£700 K, the fast component tfast equal to the F center lifetime in excited state tF has a slow component with tslow occurring alongside it. The contribution of the slow component and its time constant are maximal at the beginning and minimal at the end of each of these intervals.


Simulation of thermoluminescence dose response in cluster systems with deep traps

Sergey Nikiforov (Ural Federal University , Russian Federation)

An improved Monte Carlo method for calculating TL in a cluster system is proposed. New cluster TL model with deep electron trap is analyzed by Monte Carlo method. TL dose dependencies are simulated for the first time in a cluster system. The heating rate effect on superlinearity of TL dose response was found using the model under study.


Slow OSL component in quartz separated by TM-OSL method

Alicja Chruścińska (Institute of Physics, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland)

The TM-OSL method applied to separate the slow OSL component in quartzParameters of trap responsible for the slow componentDose response curve of the slow component observed in TM-OSL measurements


Preliminary study on dosimetric characteristics of different types of smartphone screen protective films using EPR

Byeong Ryong Park (Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences (KIRAMS) , Republic of Korea)

The dosimetric characteristics of three types of smartphone screen protective films were confirmed by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. The tempered glass (TG) film showed similar characteristics to the touchscreen glass so that it could be used as a dosimetry sample instead of touchscreen glass in radiation accident.


Retrospective Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) Dosimetry of Radiation Accidents Using Environmental Biological Samples

Chia-Chun Lu (Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)

Ox bone, clam shell, cyclina shell, chitin, tooth, and fingernail can be used as the environmental dosimeters. Linear dose-response curves of ox bone, clam shell, cyclina shell, chitin, tooth, and fingernail are presented. The grain size and storage temperature of the materials on the sensitivity of EPR spectra are examined.


Luminescence dating of old loess samples. Which is the most suitable laboratory protocol for obtaining accurate chronologies?

Daniela Constantin (Interdisciplinary Research Institute on Bio-Nano-Sciences, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania)

The natural signals emitted by polymineral fine grains (post-IR IRSL290 and post-IR IRSL225 protocols) and by 63-90 µm quartz SAR-OSL, enter field saturation for samples immediately below the Eemian palaeosol (500 Gy, 400 Gy and 300 Gy, respectively). Although the laboratory dose response curves on 4-11 µm quartz grow beyond 5000 Gy, accurate ages are obtained only for samples from the last interglacial-glacial cycle (<240 Gy). The measurable range of doses for each signal depends on the degree of overlap between the natural and laboratory dose response curves.


Infrared luminescence dating of Spituk Lake sediments in the Indus River Valley, Ladakh, India

Debabrata Banerjee (Physical Research Laboratory , India)

We present infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) ages of Spituk Lake deposits in Ladakh, India. The IRSL ages for seven samples from the Spituk section range from 105 to 170 ka, and suggest that deposition in the Spituk area began at ~170 ka after damming of the Indus River. These ages are substantially older than ~50,000 years BP reported previously by Phartiyal et al (2005). The uppermost unit in this section marks a change in climate and fluvial activity and the IRSL ages suggest that lake existed for another ~70 ka, and later disappeared due to breaching of the dam at ~100 ka.


Dating sediments from Paranagua Barrier, Paranagua by EPR method

Edy Elar Cuevas Arizaca (Instituto de Fisica, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil / Universidad Catolica de Santa Maria, Brazil)

Sediment dating by EPR was successfully performed. Signal of E´1 center was used.


Dose determination using spectrally-resolved luminescence: implications for dating

Eren Sahiner* (Center for Nuclear Technologies, Technical University of Denmark, DTU Riso Campus, Denmark / Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Ankara University, Denmark)

Equivalent dose dependence on emission wavelength is resolved both within and across the main emission bands of quartz and feldspar using an automated spectrometer. This is the first systematic dating study using spectrally-resolved OSL/TL.


Thermoluminescence characteristics of SIM cards used in mobile communication providers in South Korea for emergency dosimetry

Hyoungtaek Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute , Republic of Korea)

Characteristics of thermoluminescence of SIM cards in South Korea for accident dosimetry were identified.


Measurement of Radiation Exposure Dose using Resistor Elements in Electronic Personal Dosimeters

Hyungjoon Yu (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety , Republic of Korea)

Analysis of the thermoluminescence (TL) signal and inherence physical characteristics of resistor elements in the electronic personal dosimeter (EPD) was performed. Then the estimated accident dose was derived by using measurement of TL from resistor extracted from the EPD and verified the results.


Sources of variation in beta dose rate to coarse grains in sliced samples of heterogeneous composition

Ian Kenneth Bailiff (Durham University , United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

Computational modelling of beta dose rate in heterogenous materials


Thermoluminescence and Infrared Light Stimulated Luminescence Dosimetric Characteristics of Limestone (CaCO3)

J.M. Kalita* (Department of Physics and Electronics, Rhodes University, South Africa / Department of Physics, Assam down town University , South Africa)

Stimulated luminescence properties of limestone (CaCO3) collected from the Mawsmai Cave, India have been studied using thermoluminescence (TL) and infrared light stimulated luminescence (IRSL) techniques. The radiation dosimetric features of the sample have been assessed.


Characteristic study of radiation induced signal of Korean fingernails using EPR dosimetry

Jae Seok Kim (Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical sciences (KIRAMS) , Republic of Korea)

Human fingernails were used to evaluate the exposed dose in a radiation accident situation. The characteristic of radiation induced signal in Korean fingernails were researched by the EPR dosimetry.


RFID based electronic chip cards - retrospective dosimeter for Individual dose assessment

Jakathamani S* (Homi Bhabha National Institute / HSEG, IGCAR, Kalpakkam , India)

OSL (Optically Stimulated Luminescence) dosimetric properties of silica chip present in RFID (Radio Frequency IDendification) based identity cards were studied for emergency retrospective dosimetry. The protocol for retrieval of the absorbed dose was developed using SAR (Single Aliquot Regenerative Dose).


Physical characteristics of zero-dose in TL/OSL retrospective dosimetry using resistor component within electric personal dosimeter

Jeongtae Lee (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety , Republic of Korea)

Resistor TL/OSL zero-dose is very important to TL/OSL retrospective dosimetry using electric personal dosimeter (EPD). We evaluated the zero-dose for the resistor TL/OSL signal, respectively. We also examined the thermal and optical dependence of the zero-dose.


Retrospective dosimetry using optically stimulated luminescence of smart chip card

Jungil Lee (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute , Republic of Korea)

Optically stimulated luminescence properties of smart chip cards were identified.


Comparison of Experiments and Simulations using OSL from phones, TLDs and Monte Carlo Calculations on a Gamma-Irradiated Phantom

Elena Bakhanova (National Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Ukraine)

Dosimetry of a gamma-irradiated phantom exposed in different geometries. Dose estimation using MC simulations and comparison with experimental measurements using external smartphones and internals TLDs. Calculations of conversion factor for dose from smartphones to dose to internal organs.


Production mechanism of E1′ center by brittle fracture with fault displacement

Kiriha Tanaka* (Tohoku University , Japan)

ESR intensity for E1′ center increased linearly on new surfaces of quartz grains formed by brittle fracture. This result implies that E1′ center can be increased by various fault motions without frictional heating: brittle fracture of seismic fault movement fault creep, landslide and so on. E1′ center can also be an index of displacements of such fault motions.


Luminescence investigations on memory cards from mobile phones for their use as fortuitous dosimeters

Knuth Scheiff (Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen , Germany)

Memory cards from mobile phones have potential as fortuitous individual dosimeters; two OSL emissions at 330 and 370-390 nm; linear dose-response to several Gy; assessment of detection limit and signal fading


New Approaches for Teeth Retrospective Dosimetry based on Pulsed Electron Spin Resonance Techniques

Lotem Buchbinder* (Radiation Safety Division, Soreq Nuclear Research Center / MR Lab, Schulich Faculty of Chemistry, Technion – Israel institute of technology, Israel)

Pulsed Electron Spin Resonance (P-ESR) technique for tooth-based dosimetry shows great promise in providing direct estimate of spin concentration without a-priori knowledge of the measured tooth volume. The proposed technique could be used as a basis for accurate retrospective dosimetry.


Phototransferred thermoluminescence measurements of glass extracted from modern mobile phones

Michael Discher* (University of Salzburg, Department of Geography and Geology, Austria)

The PTTL method for an additional independent measure on the glass material extracted from mobile phones is tested as a tool for retrospective dosimetry.


Computational method of dose conversion from a mobile phone display glass to human body with different size of mesh phantom for emergency dosimetry

Min Chae Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute / Hanyang University , Republic of Korea)

Monte Carlo simulation was performed to reconstruct a body dose from a mobile phone dose. Doses were calculated with the different size of mesh phantoms for various exposure conditions.


Optical dating of the early Neolithic potteries excavated from the Gosan-ri archaeological site in Jeju Island, Korea

Myung-Jin Kim (RADPION Inc. , Republic of Korea)

Optical dating was carried out for the early Neolithic potteries collected from the Gosan-ri site. Gosan-ri-type pottery known as the oldest pottery in Korea was manufactured and utilised from the late 8th century BC. Gosan-ri site was formed after the late 10th century BC and had been lasted during about 500 years.


ESR and OSL Dating of mammalian fossils from Mirim Lake, Southen Brazil

Oswaldo Baffa (Universidade de Sao Paulo, Departamento de Fisica, FFCLRP , Brazil)

Fossils of mammals found in Mirim Lake, southern Brazil were dated by ESR and OSL, providing consistent results with site stratigraphy and literature data from nearby sites.


Chronology of coastal dune ridges in Vaigai region, south-eastern Tamil Nadu, India

Debabrata Banerjee (Bharathidasan University, Tamil Nadu, India)

We have tested the applicability of the post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence dating of 90-150 mm quartz grains in five dune samples collected from a ~3.5 m deep trench near Ramanathapuram, Tamil Nadu. The pIRIR ages are stratigraphically consistent, and suggest aeolian activation began in this region before 60 ka, and continues until 2000 years ago.


Possible emergency dosimetry using the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) of fingernails

Seiko Hirota* (RIRBM, Hiroshima University , Japan)

Dosimetric properties of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) from human fingernails are presented and their possible application to retrospective dosimetry of a hand exposure is discussed.


Dependence of fingernail ESR signals on radiation quality

Seiko Hirota* (RIRBM, Hiroshima University , Japan)

The time dependent behaviors of electron spin resonance (ESR) signals from fingernails were different between different-quality radiations; this fact should be considered carefully for standardization of fingernail ESR as a retrospective dosimetry for radiological accident.


High-dose dosimetry with Ag-doped phosphate glass: applicability assessment with different techniques

Sergey Sholom (Oklahoma State University , United States of America)

Ag-doped phosphate glass was assessed as a potential high-dose dosimeter using radiophotoluminescence (RPL), optical absorption (OA), thermoluminescence (TL) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). OA and EPR responses demonstrated a monotonic increase with dose and, with the proper calibration, may be used for dosimetry up to several hundreds of kGy.


Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages determinations of Holocene fluvial terraces system, Central Amazon

Sonia Hatsue Tatumi (Federal University of Sao Paulo , Brazil)

The present study shows a geochronological novel data of the Solimões-Amazonas river system’s Holocene lower terrace, range between the Manacapuru and Madeira river mouths, Central Amazonia. To improve the precision of the young ages sediments, comparisons between the ages found by central age (CAM), minimum age (MAM) and finite mixture model (FMM) models were made and ages between 2.9 to 9.7 kyears were evaluated.


Electron spin resonance dosimetry using tooth enamel of Japanese macaque

Toshitaka Oka (Institute for Excellence in Higher Education / Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University , Japan)

Detection limit of the electron spin resonance (ESR) dosimetry using tooth enamel of Japanese macaque, extracted by a novel enamel-dentine separation technique, was estimated to be ~40 mGy. The external exposure dose for Japanese macaques collected in Fukushima prefecture were estimated.


Comparison of luminescence properties of various porcelain-based items from Turkey towards their effective use in accidental retrospective dosimetry

Yusuf Kagan Kadioglu (Earth Sciences Application and Research Center (YEBIM), Ankara University , Turkey)

Towards the effective use of porcelain samples to accidental retrospective dosimetry applications, new experimental data are presented, including a comparison of luminescence features among various porcelain-based items collected from Turkey.


Implementation of eye-lens dosimetry in Poland

Agnieszka Szumska* (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences , Poland)

Improvement of eye lens dosimetry and potential for high ocular radiation doses to interventional radiology and cardiology staff. The obtained dosimetry data could be used for epidemiological studies to assess retrospectively eye lens dose.


Measurement of the eye lens radiation exposure in interventional urology using Al2O3:C OSL dosimeters

Andreas Pitzschke (Institute of Radiation Physics, University Hospital Lausanne , Switzerland)

Highlights項目なしタイトル:Measurement of the eye lens radiation exposure in interventional urology using Al2O3:C OSL dosimeters


Dose reassessment by using phototransferred thermoluminescence (PTTL) phenomenon to the high sensitive MCP thermoluminescent detectors and application in dosimetry

Anna Sas-Bieniarz (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN , Poland)

Possibility of dose reassessment by using phototransferred method to the height sensitive thermoluminescent MCP-N detectors applied to environmental and eye lens dosimetry.


Radiation Safety Survey of Veterinary Radiology Diagnosis and Nuclear Medicine in Taiwan

Yu-Ting Ma (Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Science, National Tsing Hua University / Nuclear Science and Technology Development Center, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)

The features of X-ray tube and assessed doses for relative person and working environments for X-ray diagnostic imaging and nuclear medicine processes were investigated in this paper. More than 250 veterinary hospitals using X-ray machines and a hospital performing veterinary nuclear medicine in Taiwan were assessed.


Radiation Dose Evaluation on Shielding Vest Wearing Exposure Experiments

Hidenori Kawano (ATOX Co., Ltd. , Japan)

For the estimation of dose reduction effect by shielding vest, exposure tests by 137Cs source and X-ray generator were done using water phantom covered with shielding vest made of heavy metal. That effect including of photon energy dependence was also surveyed by the Monte Carlo simulations.


Quality Control of blood irradiators using an alanine/EPR dosimeter

HyoJin Kim (Dongnam Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences (DIRAMS) Research Center, Republic of Korea)

For the quality control of blood irradiators, a jig for irradiation of alanine dosimetry is produced, and the dose distribution and uncertainty of blood irradiator container are evaluated using EPR spectroscopy.


Exposure doses estimation to uranium personnel of the mining enterprise and the population of Akmola region, Kazakhstan using tooth enamel EPR method

Kassym Zhumadilov (L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan)

Tooth enamel samples from staff of the uranium mining enterprise in comparison with the population of the control territory have been investigated by the EPR dosimetry method.


Impact of dosimeter type on recorded occupational radiation dose

Michael Gilhen (Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre , Australia)

Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre (Peter Mac) is a dedicated oncology hospital providing nuclear medicine, radiation therapy, and radiology services. It also includes a large research department that uses X-ray devices and unsealed radioactive material. Currently, approximately 28 % of Peter Mac staff is monitored for personal dose equivalent (Hp10). In 2007 the type of dosimeter and provider was changed from a thermoluminescent detector (TLD) to optically stimulated luminescence detector (OSL) dosimeter. An examination of the Peter Mac occupational radiation dose register showed a marked decrease in the average Hp10 when use of the OSL dosimeter commenced.


A New Standard Sample to be Used in ESR (EPR) Tooth Enamel Retrospective Dosimetry

Shin Toyoda (Department of Applied Physics, Okayama University of Science, Japan)

Instead of using a set standard samples of irradiated tooth enamel, tempol is shown to be useful in ESR (electron spin resonance, or EPR) retrospective dosimetry to determine the doses given to tooth enamel.


Retrospective Radiation Doses to Cattle by Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident: ESR Tooth Enamel Dosimetry

Todaka (Department of Applied Physics, Okayama University of Science, Japan)

The method of ESR (EPR) dosimetry is applied to cattle tooth enamel to obtain retrospective radiation doses by Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident in 2011. The obtained doses are up to 1.2 Gy, being roughly consistent with the accumulated environmental dose rates. The study shows that mammal tooth enamel is useful in ESR dosimetry.


Proficiency Testing and Dose Comparison for External Personnel Dosimeters Evaluation in Taiwan

Yi-Chun Lin (Institute of Nuclear Energy Research , Taiwan)

All the categories of performance of current 8 tested laboratories meet the ANSI/HPS N13.11-2009(R2015) criteria and the reanalysis results were suggested to be an important step of an accreditation procedure for the personnel dosimetry system in Taiwan.